Canadian order of precedence

The Canadian order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the Government of Canada. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol.

The Department of Canadian Heritage issues a Table of Precedence for Canada,[1] which does not include members of the Royal Family, save for the sovereign, mentioned in a note as preceding the Governor General. The Department of National Defence issues near identical guidelines, with the primary difference being the inclusion of members of the Canadian Royal Family,[2] specifying that they take precedence after the Governor General. The provinces and territories of Canada also have their own orders of precedence for events of a provincial or territorial nature. They serve the same purpose and are structured similarly, but place an emphasis on provincial or territorial offices.

All units of the Canadian Forces also have an order of precedence that determines seniority; it often decides such matters as which unit forms up to the right (senior side) of other units on a ceremonial parade, or the order in which marches or calls are played at a Mess Dinner.


Canadian Order of Precedence

Note: Persons listed in italics have higher precedence elsewhere in the table.

  1. The Sovereign (Queen Elizabeth II)
  2. Governor General of Canada (David Johnston CC CMM COM CD FRSC(hon))
  3. Members of the Royal Family when in Canada[3]
  4. Prime Minister of Canada (Stephen Harper PC MP)
  5. Chief Justice of Canada (Beverley McLachlin PC)
  6. Former Governors General of Canada in order of their departure from office:
    1. Ed Schreyer PC CC CMM OM CD (1979–1984)
    2. Adrienne Clarkson PC CC CMM COM CD FRSC(hon) FRAIC(hon) FRCPSC(hon) (1999–2005)
    3. Michaëlle Jean CC CMM COM CD FRCPSC(hon) (2005–2010)
  7. Surviving spouses of deceased Governors General of Canada:
    1. Gerda Hnatyshyn CC
    2. Diana Fowler LeBlanc CC
  8. Former Prime Ministers of Canada in order of their departure from office:
    1. Joe Clark PC CC AOE (1979–1980)
    2. John Turner PC CC QC (1984)
    3. Brian Mulroney PC CC GOQ (1984–1993)
    4. Kim Campbell PC CC QC (1993)
    5. Jean Chrétien OM PC CC QC (1993–2003)
    6. Paul Martin PC (2003–2006)
  9. Former Chief Justices of Canada, in order of their appointment (none currently living)
  10. Speaker of the Canadian Senate (Noël Kinsella)
  11. Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons (Andrew Scheer MP)
  12. Representatives to Canada of foreign governments
    Ambassadors and High Commissioners come first, in order of the presentation of their credentials; then come Ministers Plenipotentiary, and then Chargés D'affaires.
  13. Other Ministers of the Crown, in chronological order of appointment to the Queen's Privy Council for Canada (then in order of election or appointment to parliament if they joined the Privy Council on the same day)[4]
    1. Rob Nicholson PC QC MP, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada (June 25, 1993)
    2. Marjory LeBreton PC, Leader of the Government in the Senate (February 6, 2006)
    3. Peter MacKay PC QC MP, Minister of National Defence (February 6, 2006)
    4. Vic Toews PC MP, Minister of Public Safety (February 6, 2006)
    5. Rona Ambrose PC MP, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women (February 6, 2006)
    6. Diane Finley PC MP, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development(February 6, 2006)
    7. Bev Oda PC MP, Minister of International Cooperation (February 6, 2006)
    8. John Baird PC MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs (February 6, 2006)
    9. Tony Clement PC MP, President of the Treasury Board and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (February 6, 2006)
    10. Jim Flaherty PC MP, Minister of Finance (February 6, 2006)
    11. Peter Van Loan PC MP, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (November 27, 2006)
    12. Jason Kenney PC MP, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism (January 4, 2007)
    13. Gerry Ritz PC MP, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board (January 4, 2007)
    14. Christian Paradis PC MP, Minister of Industry and Minister of State (Agriculture) (January 4, 2007)
    15. James Moore PC MP Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages (June 25, 2008)
    16. Denis Lebel PC MP, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (October 30, 2008)
    17. Leona Aglukkaq PC MP, Minister of Health and Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (October 30, 2008)
    18. Keith Ashfield PC MP, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway (October 30, 2008)
    19. Peter Kent PC MP, Minister of the Environment (October 30, 2008)
    20. Lisa Raitt PC MP, Minister of Labour (October 30, 2008)
    21. Gail Shea PC MP, Minister of National Revenue (October 30, 2008)
    22. John Duncan PC MP, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (August 6, 2010)
    23. Steven Blaney PC MP, Minister of Veteran Affairs (May 18, 2011)
    24. Ed Fast PC MP, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway (May 18, 2011)
    25. Joe Oliver PC MP, Minister of Natural Resources (May 18, 2011)
    26. Peter Penashue PC MP, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada (May 18, 2011)
    27. Julian Fantino PC MP, Associate Minister of National Defence (January 4, 2011)
    28. Bernard Valcourt PC MP, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (La Francophonie) (June 30, 1986)
    29. Gordon O'Connor PC OMM CD MP, Minister of State and Government Chief Whip (February 6, 2006)
    30. Maxime Bernier PC MP, Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism) (January 19, 2010)
    31. Diane Ablonczy PC MP, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas and Consular Affairs) (August 14, 2007)
    32. Lynne Yelich PC MP, Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification) (October 30, 2008)
    33. Steven Fletcher PC MP, Minister of State (Transport) (October 30, 2008)
    34. Gary Goodyear PC MP, Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario) (October 30, 2008)
    35. Ted Menzies PC MP, Minister of State (Finance) (January 4, 2011)
    36. Tim Uppal PC MP, Minister of State (Democratic Reform) (May 18, 2011)
    37. Alice Wong PC MP, Minister of State (Seniors) (May 18, 2011)
    38. Bal Gosal Minister of State (Sport) (May 18, 2011)
  14. Leader of the Opposition (Nycole Turmel (interim), MP)
  15. Lieutenant Governors of the provinces, in the order their province joined Confederation and by population at joining to break ties
    1. Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (David Onley O.Ont)
    2. Lieutenant Governor of Quebec (Pierre Duchesne)
    3. Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia (Mayann E. Francis ONS)
    4. Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick (Graydon Nicholas ONB)
    5. Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba (Philip S. Lee CM OM)
    6. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (Steven Point OBC)
    7. Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island (Frank Lewis O.PEI)
    8. Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan (Gordon Barnhart SOM)
    9. Lieutenant Governor of Alberta (Donald Ethell OC OMM AOE MSC CD)
    10. Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador (John Crosbie PC OC ONL QC)
  16. All other Members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada in accordance with the date of their appointment to the Privy Council but with precedence given to those who bear the honorary title "Right Honourable" in accordance with the date of receiving the honorary title.[5]
    1. Martial Asselin PC OC QC (1992)
    2. Don Mazankowski PC OC AOE (1992)
    3. Herb Gray PC CC QC (January 15, 2002)
    4. Paul Theodore Hellyer PC (April 26, 1957)
    5. The Duke of Edinburgh PC KG KT OM GBE CD (October 14, 1957)
    6. Allan MacEachen PC (March 18, 1963)
    7. Yvon Dupuis PC (February 3, 1964)
    8. Edgar Benson PC (June 29, 1964)
    9. Dufferin Roblin PC CC OM (July 7, 1965)
    10. Alex Campbell PC (July 7, 1965)
    11. Donald Stovel Macdonald PC CC (July 6, 1968)
    12. Jean-Eudes Dubé PC (July 6, 1968)
    13. Otto Lang PC OC QC (July 6, 1968)
    14. Robert Stanbury PC QC (October 20, 1969)
    15. Jean-Pierre Goyer PC (December 22, 1970)
    16. Alastair Gillespie PC OC (August 12, 1971)
    17. Patrick Morgan Mahoney PC (January 28, 1972)
    18. Eugene Whelan PC OC (November 27, 1972)
    19. Warren Allmand PC OC QC (November 27, 1972)
    20. Hugh Faulkner PC (November 27, 1972)
    21. André Ouellet PC (November 27, 1972)
    22. Marc Lalonde PC OC QC (November 27, 1972)
    23. Judd Buchanan PC OC (August 8, 1974)
    24. Pierre Juneau PC OC (August 29, 1975)
    25. Marcel Lessard PC (September 26, 1975)
    26. Leonard Marchand PC CM (September 15, 1976)
    27. Monique Bégin PC OC (September 15, 1976)
    28. Jean-Jacques Blais PC (September 15, 1976)
    29. Francis Fox PC QC (September 15, 1976)
    30. Anthony Abbott PC (September 15, 1976)
    31. Iona Campagnolo PC CM OBC (September 15, 1976)
    32. Norman Cafik PC (September 16, 1977)
    33. Gilles Lamontagne PC OC CQ CD (January 19, 1978)
    34. John Mercer Reid PC (November 24, 1978)
    35. Pierre de Bané PC QC (November 24, 1978)
    36. Flora MacDonald PC CC OOnt (June 4, 1979)
    37. James McGrath PC (June 4, 1979)
    38. John Crosbie PC OC QC (June 4, 1979)
    39. David MacDonald PC (June 4, 1979)
    40. Lincoln Alexander PC CC OOnt CD QC (June 4, 1979)
    41. Elmer MacKay PC QC (June 4, 1979)
    42. Jake Epp PC (June 4, 1979)
    43. John Allen Fraser PC OC OBC CD (June 4, 1979)
    44. William H. Jarvis PC (June 4, 1979)
    45. Sinclair Stevens PC (June 4, 1979)
    46. John Wise PC (June 4, 1979)
    47. Ron Atkey PC QC (June 4, 1979)
    48. David Crombie PC OC (June 4, 1979)
    49. Perrin Beatty PC (June 4, 1979)
    50. Robert Howie PC (June 4, 1979)
    51. Michael Wilson PC OC (June 4, 1979)
    52. Bob Kaplan PC (March 3, 1980)
    53. James Fleming PC (March 3, 1980)
    54. Bill Rompkey PC (March 3, 1980)
    55. Pierre Bussières PC (March 3, 1980)
    56. Charles Lapointe PC (March 3, 1980)
    57. Ed Lumley PC (March 3, 1980)
    58. Yvon Pinard PC (March 3, 1980)
    59. Don Johnston PC OC (March 3, 1980)
    60. Lloyd Axworthy PC OC OM (March 3, 1980)
    61. Paul Cosgrove PC (March 3, 1980)
    62. Judy Erola PC (March 3, 1980)
    63. Jack Austin PC (September 22, 1981)
    64. Serge Joyal PC OC OQ (September 22, 1981)
    65. Robert Gordon Robertson PC CC (March 2, 1982)
    66. Ed Broadbent PC CC (April 17, 1982)
    67. Bill Davis PC CC O.Ont QC (April 17, 1982)
    68. Allan Blakeney PC OC SOM QC (April 17, 1982)
    69. Peter Lougheed PC CC AOE QC (April 17, 1982)
    70. Bill Bennett PC (April 17, 1982)
    71. John Buchanan PC QC (April 17, 1982)
    72. Brian Peckford PC (April 17, 1982)
    73. James Lee PC (April 17, 1982)
    74. Howard Pawley PC OC OM (April 17, 1982)
    75. David Collenette PC (August 12, 1983)
    76. Céline Hervieux-Payette PC (August 12, 1983)
    77. Roger Simmons PC (August 12, 1983)
    78. David Paul Smith PC QC (August 12, 1983)
    79. Roy MacLaren PC (August 17, 1983)
    80. Michael Pitfield PC CVO (April 19, 1984)
    81. Herb Breau PC (June 30, 1984)
    82. Rémi Bujold PC CM (June 30, 1984)
    83. Jean Lapierre PC (June 30, 1984)
    84. Ralph Ferguson PC (June 30, 1984)
    85. Doug Frith PC (June 30, 1984)
    86. Robert Carman Coates PC QC (September 17, 1984)
    87. Jack Burnett Murta PC (September 17, 1984)
    88. Harvie Andre PC (September 17, 1984)
    89. Otto Jelinek PC (September 17, 1984)
    90. Thomas Edward Siddon PC (September 17, 1984)
    91. Charles James Mayer PC (September 17, 1984)
    92. William Hunter McKnight PC (September 17, 1984)
    93. Walter Franklin McLean PC (September 17, 1984)
    94. Thomas Michael McMillan PC (September 17, 1984)
    95. Patricia Carney PC (September 17, 1984)
    96. André Bissonnette PC (September 17, 1984)
    97. Suzanne Blais-Grenier PC (September 17, 1984)
    98. Benoît Bouchard PC (September 17, 1984)
    99. Andrée Champagne PC (September 17, 1984)
    100. Michel Côté PC (September 17, 1984)
    101. James Francis Kelleher PC QC (September 17, 1984)
    102. Marcel Masse PC (September 17, 1984)
    103. Barbara McDougall PC OC (September 17, 1984)
    104. Monique Vézina PC (September 17, 1984)
    105. Saul Cherniack PC CM OM QC (November 30, 1984)
    106. Paule Gauthier PC OC OQ QC (November 30, 1984)
    107. Stewart Donald McInnes PC QC (August 20, 1985)
    108. Frank Oberle, Sr. PC (November 20, 1985)
    109. Gordon Osbaldeston PC CC (February 13, 1986)
    110. Lowell Murray PC (June 30, 1986)
    111. Paul Wyatt Dick PC (June 30, 1986)
    112. Pierre H. Cadieux PC (June 30, 1986)
    113. Jean Charest PC MNA (June 30, 1986)
    114. Thomas Hockin PC (June 30, 1986)
    115. Monique Landry PC (June 30, 1986)
    116. Gerry Weiner PC (June 30, 1986)
    117. John Bosley PC (June 30, 1986)
    118. Douglas Grinslade Lewis PC QC (August 27, 1987)
    119. Pierre Blais PC (August 27, 1987)
    120. Gerry St. Germain PC (March 31, 1988)
    121. Lucien Bouchard PC GOQ (March 31, 1988)
    122. John Horton McDermid PC (September 15, 1988)
    123. Shirley Martin PC (September 15, 1988)
    124. Mary Collins PC (January 30, 1989)
    125. Alan Redway PC QC (January 30, 1989)
    126. William Charles Winegard PC OC (January 30, 1989)
    127. Gilles Loiselle PC (January 30, 1989)
    128. Marcel Danis PC (February 23, 1990)
    129. Pauline Browes PC (April 21, 1991)
    130. J. J. Michel Robert PC (December 5, 1991)
    131. Marcel Prud'homme PC (July 1, 1992)
    132. Lorne Nystrom PC (July 1, 1992)
    133. Alex Colville PC CC ONS (July 1, 1992)
    134. Paul Desmarais PC CC (July 1, 1992)
    135. John Charles Polanyi PC CC (July 1, 1992)
    136. Maurice Strong PC CC OM (July 1, 1992)
    137. Richard Cashin PC OC (July 1, 1992)
    138. Antonine Maillet PC CC OQ ONB (July 1, 1992)
    139. Richard Cashin PC OC (July 1, 1992)
    140. Paul Tellier PC CC (July 1, 1992)
    141. David Peterson PC (July 1, 1992)
    142. Lord Black of Crossharbour PC OC (July 1, 1992)
    143. Charles Bronfman PC CC (October 21, 1992)
    144. George Vari PC CM (December 23, 1992)
    145. Pierre H. Vincent PC (January 4, 1993)
    146. James Stewart Edwards PC (June 25, 1993)
    147. Barbara Jane Sparrow PC (June 25, 1993)
    148. Peter McCreath PC (June 25, 1993)
    149. Ian Angus Ross Reid PC (June 25, 1993)
    150. Larry Schneider PC (June 25, 1993)
    151. Garth Turner PC (June 25, 1993)
    152. David Anderson PC (November 4, 1993)
    153. Ralph Goodale PC MP (November 4, 1993)
    154. David Dingwall PC (November 4, 1993)
    155. Ron Irwin PC CM QC (November 4, 1993)
    156. Brian Tobin PC (November 4, 1993)
    157. Joyce Fairbairn PC (November 4, 1993)
    158. Sheila Copps PC (November 4, 1993)
    159. Sergio Marchi PC (November 4, 1993)
    160. John Manley PC (November 4, 1993)
    161. Diane Marleau PC (November 4, 1993)
    162. Douglas Young PC (November 4, 1993)
    163. Michel Dupuy PC (November 4, 1993)
    164. Art Eggleton PC (November 4, 1993)
    165. Marcel Massé PC OC QC (November 4, 1993)
    166. Anne McLellan PC (November 4, 1993)
    167. Allan Rock PC (November 4, 1993)
    168. Fernand Robichaud PC (November 4, 1993)
    169. Ethel Blondin-Andrew PC (November 4, 1993)
    170. Lawrence MacAulay PC MP (November 4, 1993)
    171. Christine Stewart PC (November 4, 1993)
    172. Raymond Chan PC (November 4, 1993)
    173. Jon Gerrard PC (November 4, 1993)
    174. Douglas Peters PC (November 4, 1993)
    175. Alfonso Gagliano PC (September 15, 1994)
    176. Lucienne Robillard PC (February 22, 1995)
    177. Fred J. Mifflin PC CD (January 25, 1996)
    178. Jane Stewart PC (January 25, 1996)
    179. Stéphane Dion PC MP (January 25, 1996)
    180. Pierre Pettigrew PC (January 25, 1996)
    181. Martin Cauchon PC (January 25, 1996)
    182. Hedy Fry PC MP (January 25, 1996)
    183. James Andrew Grant PC CM (September 30, 1996)
    184. Don Boudria PC (October 4, 1996)
    185. Alasdair Bernard Graham PC (June 11, 1997)
    186. Lyle Vanclief PC (June 11, 1997)
    187. Herb Dhaliwal PC (June 11, 1997)
    188. Andy Scott PC (June 11, 1997)
    189. David Kilgour PC (June 11, 1997)
    190. Jim Peterson PC (June 11, 1997)
    191. Andy Mitchell PC (June 11, 1997)
    192. Gilbert Normand PC (June 18, 1997)
    193. Bob Rae PC OC O.Ont QC MP (April 30, 1998)
    194. Claudette Bradshaw PC (November 23, 1998)
    195. Jocelyne Bourgon PC OC (December 14, 1998)
    196. Raymond Speaker PC OC (June 9, 1999)
    197. Frank McKenna PC OC ONB QC (June 9, 1999)
    198. George Baker PC (August 3, 1999)
    199. Robert Daniel Nault PC (August 3, 1999)
    200. Maria Minna PC (August 3, 1999)
    201. Elinor Caplan PC (August 3, 1999)
    202. Denis Coderre PC (August 3, 1999)
    203. Bernard Boudreau PC QC (October 4, 1999)
    204. Sharon Carstairs PC (January 9, 2001)
    205. Robert Thibault PC (January 9, 2001)
    206. Rey Pagtakhan PC (January 9, 2001)
    207. Gary Filmon PC (October 4, 2001)
    208. Susan Whelan PC (January 15, 2002)
    209. Maurizio Bevilacqua PC (January 15, 2002)
    210. Paul DeVillers PC (January 15, 2002)
    211. Gar Knutson PC (January 15, 2002)
    212. Denis Paradis PC (January 15, 2002)
    213. Claude Drouin PC (January 15, 2002)
    214. John McCallum PC MP (January 15, 2002)
    215. Stephen Owen PC (January 15, 2002)
    216. Bill Graham PC QC (January 16, 2002)
    217. Gerry Byrne PC MP (January 16, 2002,2002)
    218. Jean Augustine PC (May 26, 2002)
    219. Wayne Easter PC MP (October 22, 2002)
    220. Baljit Singh Chadha PC (February 20, 2003)
    221. Steve Mahoney PC (April 11, 2003)
    222. Roy Romanow PC OC SOM QC (November 13, 2003)
    223. Albina Guarnieri PC (December 12, 2003)
    224. Stan Kazmierczak Keyes PC (December 12, 2003)
    225. Joseph McGuire PC (December 12, 2003)
    226. Bob Speller PC (December 12, 2003)
    227. Geoff Regan PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    228. Tony Valeri PC (December 12, 2003)
    229. Aileen Carroll PC MPP (December 12, 2003)
    230. David Pratt PC (December 12, 2003)
    231. Irwin Cotler PC OC MP (December 12, 2003)
    232. Judy Sgro PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    233. Hélène Chalifour Scherrer PC (December 12, 2003)
    234. John Efford PC (December 12, 2003)
    235. Liza Frulla PC (December 12, 2003)
    236. Joe Comuzzi PC (December 12, 2003)
    237. Joe Volpe PC (December 12, 2003)
    238. Mauril Bélanger PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    239. Carolyn Bennett PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    240. Jacques Saada PC (December 12, 2003)
    241. Joe Fontana PC (December 12, 2003)
    242. John Godfrey PC (December 12, 2003)
    243. Scott Brison PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    244. John McKay PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    245. Jerry Pickard PC (December 12, 2003)
    246. Yvon Charbonneau PC (December 12, 2003)
    247. Gurbax S. Malhi PC (December 12, 2003)
    248. John Harvard PC OM (December 12, 2003)
    249. Larry Bagnell PC (December 12, 2003)
    250. Brenda Chamberlain PC (December 12, 2003)
    251. Walt Lastewka PC (December 12, 2003)
    252. Dan McTeague PC (December 12, 2003)
    253. Mark Eyking PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    254. Georges Farrah PC (December 12, 2003)
    255. Eleni Bakopanos PC (December 12, 2003)
    256. Paul Bonwick PC (December 12, 2003)
    257. Joseph Louis Jordan PC (December 12, 2003)
    258. Shawn Murphy PC QC (December 12, 2003)
    259. Jim Karygiannis PC MP (December 12, 2003)
    260. David Price PC (December 12, 2003)
    261. Roger Gallaway PC (December 12, 2003)
    262. Sue Barnes PC (December 12, 2003)
    263. André Harvey PC (December 12, 2003)
    264. Andrew Telegdi PC (January 30, 2004)
    265. Bill Blaikie PC (February 19, 2004)
    266. Grant Hill PC (February 19, 2004)
    267. Joseph Mario Jacques Olivier PC (May 5, 2004)
    268. Peter Adams PC (July 20, 2004)
    269. Sarmite Bulte PC (July 20, 2004)
    270. Roy Cullen PC (July 20, 2004)
    271. Ujjal Dosanjh PC (July 20, 2004)
    272. Ken Dryden PC (July 20, 2004)
    273. David Emerson PC (July 20, 2004)
    274. Tony Ianno PC (July 20, 2004)
    275. Marlene Jennings PC (July 20, 2004)
    276. Dominic LeBlanc PC MP (July 20, 2004)
    277. Judi Longfield PC (July 20, 2004)
    278. Paul Macklin PC (July 20, 2004)
    279. Keith Martin PC (July 20, 2004)
    280. Karen Redman PC (July 20, 2004)
    281. Raymond Simard PC (July 20, 2004)
    282. Paddy Torsney PC (July 20, 2004)
    283. Bryon Wilfert MP (July 20, 2004)
    284. Belinda Stronach PC (May 17, 2005)
    285. Aldéa Landry PC CM QC (June 24, 2005)
    286. Navdeep Bains PC (October 7, 2005)
    287. Anita Neville PC (October 7, 2005)
    288. Charles Hubbard PC CD (October 7, 2005)
    289. Jean-Pierre Blackburn PC (February 6, 2006)
    290. Greg Thompson PC (February 6, 2006)
    291. Monte Solberg PC, (February 6, 2006)
    292. Chuck Strahl PC (February 6, 2006)
    293. Gary Lunn PC (February 6, 2006)
    294. Loyola Hearn PC (February 6, 2006)
    295. Stockwell Day PC (February 6, 2006)
    296. Carol Skelton PC, (February 6, 2006)
    297. Michael Chong PC MP (February 6, 2006)
    298. Jim Prentice PC, (February 6, 2006)
    299. Lawrence Cannon PC (February 6, 2006)
    300. Josée Verner PC (February 6, 2006)
    301. Michael Fortier PC (February 6, 2006)
    302. John Reynolds PC (February 6, 2006)
    303. Jay Hill PC (February 16, 2006)
    304. Helena Guergis PC(January 4, 2007)
    305. Daniel Hays PC (January 22, 2007)
    306. Jim Abbott PC (October 15, 2007)
    307. Arthur Thomas Porter PC (September 3, 2008)
    308. Denis Losier PC (September 3, 2008)
    309. Rob Merrifield PC MP (October 30, 2008)
    310. Leonard Gustafson PC (January 8, 2009)
    311. Frances Lankin PC (January 22, 2009)
    312. Kevin Lynch PC (May 11, 2009)
    313. Rob Moore PC MP (January 19, 2010)
    314. Michael Ignatieff PC (May 7, 2010)
    315. Philippe Couillard PC (June 23, 2010)
    316. Rick Casson PC (October 1, 2010)
    317. Laurie Hawn PC CD MP (October 1, 2010)
  17. Premiers of the Provinces, in the order their province joined confederation and by population at joining to break ties
    1. Premier of Ontario (Dalton McGuinty MPP)
    2. Premier of Quebec (Jean Charest PC MNA)
    3. Premier of Nova Scotia (Darrell Dexter MLA)
    4. Premier of New Brunswick (David Alward MLA)
    5. Premier of Manitoba (Greg Selinger MLA)
    6. Premier of British Columbia (Christy Clark, MLA)
    7. Premier of Prince Edward Island (Robert Ghiz MLA)
    8. Premier of Saskatchewan (Brad Wall MLA)
    9. Premier of Alberta (Alison Redford QC, MLA)
    10. Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador (Kathy Dunderdale MHA)
  18. Commissioners of the Territories
    1. Commissioner of the Northwest Territories (George Tuccaro)[6]
    2. Commissioner of the Yukon Territory (Doug Phillips)
    3. Commissioner of Nunavut (Edna Elias)
  19. Premiers of the Territories
    1. Premier of the Northwest Territories (Floyd Roland MLA)
    2. Premier of Yukon Territory (Darrell Pasloski)
    3. Premier of Nunavut (Eva Aariak MLA)
  20. Religious leaders, equally, by seniority
  21. Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court
    1. Louis LeBel
    2. Marie Deschamps
    3. Morris Fish QC
    4. Rosalie Abella FRSC
    5. Marshall Rothstein QC
    6. Thomas Cromwell
    7. Michael J. Moldaver
    8. Andromache Karakatsanis
  22. Chief Justice and the Associate Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Canada
    1. Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Canada (Paul S. Crampton)
    2. Associate Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Canada (None currently)
  23. Chief Justices of the Provinces
    1. Chief Justice of Ontario (Warren Winkler QC)
    2. Chief Justice of Quebec (Nicole Duval Hesler)
    3. Chief Justice of Nova Scotia (Michael MacDonald)
    4. Chief Justice of New Brunswick (Ernest Drapeau)
    5. Chief Justice of Manitoba (Richard Scott)
    6. Chief Justice of British Columbia (Lance Finch)
    7. Chief Justice of Prince Edward Island (David H. Jenkins)
    8. Chief Justice of Saskatchewan (John Klebuc)
    9. Chief Justice of Alberta (Catherine Fraser)
    10. Chief Justice of Newfoundland and Labrador (Derek Green)
    11. Chief Justice of the Northwest Territories (Edward Richard)
    12. Chief Justice of the Yukon Territory (Ronald Veale)
    13. Chief Justice of Nunavut (Beverley Browne)
  24. Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices of provincial Superior Courts
    1. Associate Chief Justice of Ontario (Dennis O'Connor)
    2. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice (Heather Forster Smith)
    3. Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice (J. Douglas Cunningham)
    4. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec (François Rolland)
    5. Senior Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec (Rene Dionne)
    6. Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec (Andre Deslongchamps)
    7. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (Joseph Kennedy)
    8. Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (Deborah K. Smith)
    9. Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Family Division (Robert Ferguson)
    10. Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick (David Smith)
    11. Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Benjamin Hewak)
    12. Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Jeffrey Oliphant)
    13. Associate Chief Justice, Family Division, of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Gerald Mercier)
    14. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (Robert Bauman)
    15. Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (Austin F. Cullen)
    16. Chief Justice of the Trial Division, Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island (Jacqueline Matheson)
    17. Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan (Frank Gerein)
    18. Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (Neil Wittmann)
    19. Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (J.D. Rooke)
    20. Chief Justice of the Trial Division of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland (David B. Orsborn)
  25. Federal and provincial superior court Judges
  26. Senators
  27. Members of the House of Commons
  28. Consuls General of Countries Without Diplomatic Representation
  29. Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to Cabinet (Wayne Wouters)
  30. Military Leaders
    1. Chief of the Defence Staff (General Walter Natynczyk CMM MSC CD)
    2. Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (William J. S. Elliott COM)
  31. Speakers of the Legislative Assemblies of the Provinces and Territories
    1. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Steve Peters MPP)
    2. President of the National Assembly of Quebec (Jacques Chagnon MNA)
    3. Speaker of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly (Gordie Gosse MLA)
    4. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick (Roy Boudreau MLA)
    5. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (George Hickes MLA)
    6. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia (Bill Barisoff MLA)
    7. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island (Kathleen Casey MLA)
    8. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (Don Toth MLA)
    9. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta (Ken Kowalski MLA)
    10. Speaker of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly (Roger Fitzgerald MHA)
    11. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories (Paul Delorey MLA)
    12. Speaker of the Yukon Legislative Assembly (Ted Staffen MLA)
    13. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut (James Arreak MLA)
  32. Members of the Executive Councils of the Provinces and Territories
  33. Judges of Provincial and Territorial Courts
  34. Members of the Legislative Assemblies of the Provinces and Territories
  35. Chairperson of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians (Doug Rowland CD)

See also


  1. ^ Department of Canadian Heritage: Table of Precedence for Canada
  2. ^ The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces
  3. ^ According to the Department of National Defence's protocol, which does not list a precedence within the royal family. Footnote 1 of the Table of Precedence for Canada issued by the Department of Canadian Heritage states that the Queen is to be afforded precedence immediately before the Governor General. No other members of the Royal Family are listed in the table or mentioned in the footnotes.
  4. ^ The Ministry in order of precedence
  5. ^ Members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada
  6. ^ New commissioner sworn in

External links